Saturday, June 25, 2016

Relevant classroom videos

I will be using this blog for students to help me find and post relevant videos that can be found on the internet that serve as better examples of classroom work. The first video I would like to share with students is this TED Talk by Zack King. Many of you many know Zack from his popular social media accounts. What is truly impressive with Zach is that he serves as a perfect role model for you. You do not have to wait to become a content creator. If you want to have a career in the digital media world do not wait to be discovered but start doing your own discovering!

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Plan
I chose the google apps group because I was interested in using some of the apps in my classroom.  I had some experience using the apps at home but have never used it in the classroom.  I had several goals that I wanted to accomplish:

  1. Use youtube to store past students projects.  Past student projects have been stored on various websites like phanfare, schooltube, and the school website.  But they were to disconnected from what students use in their lives and since youtube is no longer blocked it seemed like a good idea.
  2. I thought it was important to create a website that I had total control of.   I didn't want to have to create a new website every few years when the district changed software systems or if I left Grosse Pointe Schools.
  3. Use more outside material, such as videos, to aid in classroom discussions.  I wanted the flexibility to easily upload videos from various sources.
I will be using this in all levels of TV Production classes.  I plan on using blogger to increase students critical viewing skills by adding weekly content. 

I have only created one blog entry so far that I plan on using this week.  I do plan on changing over my current website to the one I created on google.sites in the near future.  I have currently uploaded almost 200 videos to my youtube channel.  

Just like any new "thing" there is a learning curve that you can become frustrated with but overall the google apps are pretty self-explanatory.  Here are some of the problems that I ran into:
  • I would suggest not using the templates when you start to make a website because I feel they got in my way more than anything.  
  • Create a brand.  Understand how google will use your login, profile, etc.  You need something simple that students will remember but is specific to what you are working on.  
  • The pages you create will be searchable so make sure you want them to be published

Overall, I have enjoyed the experience and plan on continuing using other apps like calendar and drive soon.  

Phantom Camera

A new HD camera that captures super slow motion images in HD has been released.  The Phantom camera was used for specials like Shark Week and on Fox's World Series coverage.  Please give one reason why or why not you think the use of the Phantom Camera is a useful addition to the FOX coverage.  The cost of the camera is between $50,000 and $150,000 depending on the extras you get with the camera.  Below you will find some links to footage from the phantom cam.